Climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of droughts, floods, and extreme weather events, leading to unpredictable growing conditions and crop failures for farmers around the world.

Equipment for pre-sowing seed treatment "Parostok"

A revolutionary pre-sowing seed treatment technology that increases yield and climate resilience using microwave technology. The plant stimulates the seed kernel with precise microwave radiation. This is perfectly aligned with the sustainable development goals of zero hunger and reduced environmental impact.

Our technology is suitable for pre-sowing treatment of seed material, as well as for processing the crop before storage. For farmers and elevator owners, as well as for fumigation services, the effect of the treatment lasts up to 4 months.

The essence of the proposed technology is that microwave stimulation of the seed cell nucleus significantly increases its internal energy and potential, which in turn leads to a 2-4-fold increase in the energy of their germination and germination, volume (up to 3 times) and strength of the root system (including before wintering of winter crops), increased frost and drought resistance, and a reduction in ripening times by 10-12 days.

Effective control of: Hard chub, fusarium, rots (gray and white), phomopsis, downy mildew, saprophytes. Bruchus grain borer, barn weevil, rice weevil, Surinamese mealybug, etc.

58,000 trials and test implementations were conducted. 58 varieties and 128 hybrids were tested.
We conduct test usage together with MHP, EIT TEST FARMS, Agroekoton Association, Poland.
У жовтні 2024 р. The Agroekoton Association has obtained results that confirm the effectiveness of our equipment. Increase in the yield of corn of the variety NATAELO від KWS composed 15% or 1.7 tons per hectare.

Results of an experiment on the effect of a MW field on phytopathogens of winter wheat and winter barley seeds.
(Solid soot, fusarium, rot)

Результаты эксперимента по влиянию МВ поля. Увеличение урожайности
Results of the experiment on the influence of the MW field on phytopathogens of winter wheat and winter barley seeds.

The benefits are huge – high profits for farmers and reduced risks of crop loss due to drought or frost. This is especially beneficial for insurance companies that cover climate-related losses. Our technology is recommended as a methodology for implementation by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine.

Results of an experiment on frost resistance of winter wheat of the Donetska-48 variety.

Результаты эксперимента по морозоустойчивости, увеличение урожайности
Yield 25 c/ha, control without harvest.

Results of experiments on rice seed treatment.

Результаты по обработки риса. Увеличение урожайности
Results from rice processing, microwave technology increases yield by 1200 kg/ha and field germination by 7-8%.

Microwave treatment of rice seeds provides an increase of 7-8% (one third) in field seed germination and an increase in yield by 1200 kg per hectare, significantly improving the quality of the grain (yield).
Насіння перед посівом отрутохімікатами не оброблялося.

(OR 100 U.S. dollars at the NBU exchange rate, but not less than 4,000 UAH / TON)

Seed processing cost calculator
Sowing culture , sown area Га
Amount of grain for sowing - 0 Amount of grain for sowing - 0 UAH
Minimum yield increase of 10% - 0 tons, the cost of the crop - 0 UAH
Minimum profit margin - 0 UAH

